What Greenwald's No Place to Hide and Documentaries on Fukushima and Inside Job have in common..

The overarching issue that seems common and stand out the most, when discussing Greenwald’s No Place to Hide, the documentary on the Fukushima nuclear radiation as well as the documentary on the making of the movie Inside Job is the apathy of the general public. This seems universal, regardless of whether the issues are in Japan, or the United States.  Increasingly, the impact of these cover-ups are felt by people everywhere, no longer confined to one particular group of people. Just as the NSA spying was upon everyone, not just US citizens; radiation from the Fukushima power plant affected people in California, and the effects of an economic collapse in the US affected markets around the world. We are truly interconnected. 

This is certainly a terrifying realization; with the advent of the Internet and “free” information, there are new challenges. My message to you today, however is that there is still hope. One individual cannot achieve global justice. It requires action of the collective, sparked by the actions of a few brave souls such as Snowden, Chelsea Manning as well as future generations, inspired by them. I believe the very existence of the material we are discussing is evidence of this hope.

Never before have whistleblowers been as relevant and as urgent as they are today. The changes brought about by Snowden revelations are evidence of it. Yet, there is more work to be done for disseminating information related to the Fukushima nuclear radiation and the financial meltdown of 2008. In Japan, this documentary is blocked even today. Large amounts of people still believe these are simply conspiracy theories, a popular myth perpetuated by those who would seek to obscure the truth.

I would urge you, to discuss these issues with your friends and families to create dialogue and awareness. That is probably the only way we as world citizens can give back to the brave men and women who have risked their lives and liberty, for the truth.

Charles Morris published a book warning of the financial melt down which was ignored. It demonstrates, lack of credible information and the powerful rhetoric of flawed arguments to support the status quo, can only be countered by an independent media. Thus, global justice requires not just whistleblowers but also as Greenwald argues, free investigative journalists who can ensure an informed public that demands transparency and accountability from their governments.


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