Eternal things

She had watched her cry once. She remembers her heart aching, wanting to make the pain go away. Tell her that it didn't matter. Yes, it was going to change how she would see the world - but it didn't change the fact that life, it was good.

Why, they had been friends forever. And these moments, would be forgotten. They would all move on.

They had grown up. The familiarity had always stayed. Once a friend, now an eternal sister. They would have their disagreements and almost arguments. They would perhaps not always see eye to eye.

And they would go through even more heart ache.

She would only get to watch her friend get married through a webcam on skype. But her friend would be happy. She was sure of it and for her, that would be enough. Because she knew forever, her friend was going to be in safe hands. That he would love her. And in turn, she would have a brother. That they had found true love, no matter what they had been through to get there. And things had worked out, so well so, that when the time came, she knew to make the right call. Because, a dazzling career was not what made one complete and breakfast together, everyday, was what life was all about.

Finally, after so many years, she was going to see her. This time, in her own home. After everything they had been through. Statistics lessons. Dramas and debates, job searches, exams and heart breaks. Weddings, random meet ups and yes, even events unthinkable, forgotten now. They had survived all that. Now, a warm happy place full of excitement. Yes, even a ukulele. That was going to be fun.

Life had been good. And friendship? Well, it was real. and true. For, stronger than any tie, all these experiences over the years and added a few grey hairs, no doubt. But it had meant, unknowingly, these moments would cement what would someday be unbreakable. The true test of love that ultimately meant, what it was to be.

The gift of family.

Short story attempt #4


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