Home away from home, this is a simple (yet messy) recipe that has helped keep the homesickness away - and allows bragging rights to most Sri Lankans back home *grin* Here goes - You mix piti (flour) and water in to a nice, unsticky ball. You can decide how much water and piti you need, I played it by ear. Add a teaspoon of butter, helps to make it smooth and unsticky. Make them in to nice round 'guli' a little smaller than a tennis ball. Leave them in vegetable oil overnight if possible, or 20/30 minutes will do. Make your own potatoe/ onion/ fish/ chicken/ meat/ sausage whatever filling you like separately. Then take the piti guli you left overnight and smooth it out best you can without tearing it...think of a godamba rotiya or a handkerchief ;) I used my fingers. Put the potatoe filling inside and you know what to do. Try to imagine the size and shape of an elawalu rotiya :) Then fry it. Warning: for some reason you can only try this once with each 'gu...