
Showing posts from January, 2021

WhatsApp isn't a SERVICE & I'm not on FB -- why MY data?

When Facebook added Whatsapp for 19 Million in 2016 to the l ist of social media platforms it already owned, I suppose we all knew what that meant. And so, the day has finally arrived when FB does the usual bullying tactic -- where it begins to aggressively make you agree to the arbitrary data collecting activities it has been doing for a while anyway.  Basically, it's sort of like the mob boss reminding you that it is time to PAY UP. How? With your DATA. I know this sounds dramatic, because honestly it IS! I for one am sick of the FANTASY that the stuff we download for FREE comes without a price. Joke's on us, folks.   I won't go into the nitty-gritty of what data collection really means because as a non-tech person who reads enough to know it is bad, I don't even care. Just google that part and sure, continue along your way if it doesn't bother you. I DO however care how they push us around and it feels like the last straw.  I am not on any social media platforms...