
Showing posts from April, 2014

Jem, a Movie! #Jemthemovie - I vote yes!

From: If you ever lived in Sri Lanka and was born in the 1980's, you may remember Jem & The Holograms . In my mind, it falls in to the category of Thundercats, Ninja Turtles, Silver Hawks and a whole host of other cartoons that belong to our childhood. Out generation. Jem was special for reasons unknown to me, many many years later. Mybe it was that very first episode, where their parents had died, foster kids all alone, an empire of a music industry, an evil legal guardian and a mysterious magical gift in the form of Synergy. How could it not be a hit?  Perhaps it was the magic behind it, the romance, the music, the glamour and fashion. Maybe it was the sense of family and love, community and good even in those who were evil, all portrayed through something as simple as a cartoon at that age. For me, I know it was also the first taste of anything soap opera-like. I mean, it was drama. It was crazy story lines and a lot ...