The happiest people are the saddest

I'm reading all the wonderful things people have to say about Robbin Williams. He sounds like he was a very good man. 

I wonder. 

It reminds me of a book I read a while ago. The sense of an ending. There was a very good note left by a character that chose to end his own life. The book dealt with philosophical suicide, which has been something that has fascinated me, ever since reading excerpts from Albert Camus in Myths of Sisyphus which argued against suicide as a way of rejecting freedom and life. 

With all the sadness in the world,  I feel like I am leaning more towards the thoughts shared in sense of an ending...wonder how any of us choose to go on sometimes.

We are all touched by it, this sadness that goes around all the time, the pain - some way or the other. At one point or another. I remind myself the trick is to really focus on a Pollyanna sort of theory, looking past the negativity. Beyond it. In spite of all the bad things in the world. Despite the horrors that lurk in the shadows and darkness of it all.


This is what comes to mind when I think of mankind living through every day,  a mere sixty seventy years of existence. A mere speck in the timeline of the universe. Insignificant. Given this fact,  I realize the only impact we really can have is upon each other. Benefit the human race. In whatever capacity we can,  and if we can look within ourselves and give our existence meaning, then that is all that matters. Who is to judge one person's life mattered over another. Try hard to let go. Let be. Live and let live sort of thing.

It seems like, in the time Robbin Williams lived,  he made an impact. Touched the hearts of his fellow human beings. And then, he chose to leave. It is what it is, nothing more. Or less.

That to me, is a life well lived. 


  1. i think the issue with existentialist literature like Camus' is that it really does make you feel like a speck! I have thought about this issue many times, as in should we decide for another person (when it is their own choice to end their own life) vs what if the person does want to live more but feels temporarily helpless and would have liked to be helped out of that situation. Of course, I always end up thinking it is unresolvable.

    1. Unresolved, for sure. I was reading about a woman in Oregon, US recently who chose to end her life on her own terms as she was diagnosed with cancer and was dying anyway. At least that seems less complicated.

  2. Can't say that one person matters more than another..true!
    Then again, it comes down to a matter of bonding or strings/attachments that others have with this person, yeah?
    Robin Williams was known it does make a bigger impact..
    Felt even worse when Chris Benoit took his life along with his family awhile back..

    1. I had to google who Chris Benoit was - what a terrible story. I suppose sometimes it also depends on how much the media chooses to give publicity.

    2. True that!
      Well, Chris was the little guy who made it seem all genuine to me. Came to the rescue of some of my other favourites too. So you see my friend. It boils down to how close you get to these characters


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